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How to encourage young people to be more active

Administrator | Bahasa & Humaniora

Most young people tend to be really lazy during school hours especially during studies and tend to look at the screen at home all the time without even moving a muscle. We can reduce their screen time and be more active by doing some physical activities like school sports and youth clubs.

For me personally, I would choose to do school sports. Why? Because there are a lot of young people who are too lazy to move their muscles, school sports was the best option. With school sports like basketball, soccer, and other sports, young people will have clear mental and physically fit health. School sports improves young people’s self-esteem, which young people improve their social skills with other teammates especially if they score the touchdown and score the winning kickoff! That shows how their contribution Impacts on the team’s success can be empowering for young people to feel part of the school community. School sports help young people to reduce stress by allowing them to have fun with other teammates.

School sports also make young people to develop their leadership skills and teamwork with other teammates. Leadership could improve their social skills even further and teaches problem solving skills. School sports are not just having fun, but also makes young people to concentrate on every tasks. School sports encourage young people to exercise more outside/inside school, which young will reduce their screen time. In conclusion, school sports help young people in almost every aspect like brain development, social skills, stress management and physical fitness.

By: Marvin Owen- XII A

Main source:

https://www.wycliffe.co.uk/senior-school/why-sport-is-important-in-school/#:~:text=Having%20sport%20on%20the%20school,their%20 mental%20and%20 physical%20health.

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